Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Here we go!

The name of this blog gives it all away.  I am now the mommy to TWO boys!  Although one of them isn't here just yet, I still like the fancy title it gives me! 

My sweet baby Chandler turned TWO years old yesterday!  I cannot believe the last post on my blog was speaking of his arrival.  It seems like I was typing out that post yesterday.  (Also, I am a HUGE slacker when it comes to blogging)

He is very independent these days.  The temper tantrums are enough to drive me insane.  I wouldn't trade him or his tantrums for anything.  I am very blessed to be his mommy.  I have learned so much through parenting that I never would have known otherwise.  I have learned so much about patience these last two years.  It is exhausting some days but I manage to make the best of it.  He is so much fun to observe.  His brain is always in overdrive and he loves to learn new things.  I can tell he is going to be a lot like his daddy.

I am currently 21 weeks pregnant with Baby Boy Gohring #2!!  We are so excited about adding another member to our family!  Poor thing still doesn't have a name.  Daddy was convinced 'he' was really going to be a 'she' even up until the appointment!  So here we are stuck with 'Baby G' until we come to an agreement on a suitable name for our next son.  Chandler still doesn't quite understand that he will be a big brother in April.  All he knows is mommy's tummy is getting quite large!  He sees his daddy talking to my tummy and has to come up and give Baby G some words of his own.   Mostly in the form of piggy snorts, but we'll take it!  I am feeling a lot more movement these last 2 weeks.  Stephen got to feel a kick for the first time on December 11.  It makes my heart happy when he gets to experience the things that I have been feeling!

We are settling well into life as a family.  I am still working full-time at Hillcrest.  I absolutely LOVE being in the NICU.  I know this is where I am meant to be.  Stephen is still working at Best Buy.  He is in a position which allows him to be more hands on with electronics.  I think he really enjoys it!  Chandler is growing more and more each day.  He is talking like crazy and learning new words every day.  His favorite words are 'shoe', 'pop-pop' for popcorn, 'ew', maaaa for mommy, duh for daddy.  I love that I get to spend so much time with him when I'm not working.  On the days I do work, he gets to go see Grammy and Grampy (my parents).  He has a day full of learning and playing.  I love that he gets to be in an environment full of love and education when Stephen and I aren't home.  I cannot even imagine sending him off to a daycare at this point.  He wants so much attention these days.

We were blessed with a niece in September.  Scarlett Dawn is absolutely precious.  I love that I get to spoil her rotten!  September was a really rough month for my family.  I lost my Nana to cancer/cardio myopathy on September 10.  It has been the most devastating event in my lifetime.  I still feel so lost without her here.  I miss her terribly and my life just isn't the same.

We have managed to pick up the pieces and move on with our lives.  There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her and miss her.  I still long to talk to her and hear her words of wisdom.  She was my go-to cooking resource when I was in a bind!  I will never forget the recipes and tips she taught me over the years.

As we move toward the end of 2012, we will remember all of the positive fun times with our families.  I cannot wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

He's Here!!!


As you can see from the picture, he was born Friday, December 17 at 11:28 am. He weighed in at 6lb 13 oz, and was 20 in long. We could not be more in love with this baby!! :)

I woke up Thursday, December 16 geared up for a day FULL of cleaning and preparation (see previous post). Shortly after posting, I went upstairs to strip down our bed to wash all bedding and curtains to rid the room of any dog hair or allergens JUST in case Chandler decided to make his appearance. He will be staying in our room until I go back to work so I wanted it to be very clean. I started to head down the stairs with the quilt under one arm and the sheets under the other .... I got nearly to the bottom and my foot got caught on the bottom of the quilt ... I fell down the stairs. I panicked. I called Stephen hysterical. All I could do was worry about Chandler. I was quite certain I may have broken my right arm but all I could think about was him. I called my OB's office and they ordered me to go to L&D immediately for monitoring. Stephen left work and from what he told me ... he went 95 mph all the way home. We arrived at the hospital almost 30 minutes after it happened and on went the monitors. I was told I needed to stay at least 4 hours for monitoring to make sure Chandler was okay. I had lab draws to make sure there wasn't internal bleeding and to make sure I was okay. 4 hours passed, no changes as far as labor progression and Chandler was just fine. I was discharged with strict instructions to stay off of my feet and to not worry about all of the cleaning. I was also told not to carry anything up and down the stairs. We went about our day and had dinner at my parent's house with my Grandma and Grandpa Johnston (dad's parents). We came home after dinner and made it an early night. I was surprised that we went to bed so early but Stephen had a pretty worrisome day and had to work the next. His plan was to wake up extra early to tackle the mess that awaited him at work. Little did we know, Chandler had plans of his own.


9:45 pm: I was asleep, a good restful sleep. I woke up feeling like I needed to go to the bathroom ... 'oh no, I feel like I wet my pants!!!' I jumped up, walked to the bathroom ... I got to the end of the bed ... 'Oh my gosh, am I really peeing my pants?!?!' .... I rush to the bathroom ... 'Oh my gosh, STEPHEN!!!!!! My water broke!!!!!!!' I was immediately hit with millions of emotions .... I was scared, shaking, excited, panicked, worried, happy.... seriously every emotion AT ONCE!! I rushed around looking for my phone ... called my mom 'Mom, we're going to the hospital...' She said 'yep!' It's like she knew. I didn't even have to say what for... 'We're having a baby!!'

We rushed around gathering the last minute items that didn't get pre-packed. We gathered up the dogs and put them in their beds. I sent out texts and we hit the road. We arrived at the hospital, checked in and I was taken back to my room. The room I would spend the next 17 hours in, the room I would meet my son for the first time in .... 2137.

I was told that although my water broke, I hadn't progressed any... I was given IV fluids and told to just wait it out. At that point, I wasn't having contractions ... or so I thought. My mom and dad came to sit with us for a few hours ... my mom stayed until probably 9ish the next morning and then went home to nap.
Friday December 17th
6:45 am: I got my epidural - AMAZING!!! :)
8:30 am: Started the pitocin. I wasn't feeling much of anything.
10 am: I was dilated to about a 4/5 and Chandler had definitely dropped quite a bit!
10:52 am: I called my mom and told them to get the hospital. I was dilated to a 9 1/2 and was 100% effaced. She could feel his head!! :)
11:10 am: I was complete (10 cm) and the dr was paged. I was told to push with my first contraction ... so I did. And wow, the next 5 minutes drug on and on and on. I had to wait for Dr Micus to come in to push any more. TORTURE!!
11:15 am: Dr Micus walks in and gets suited up. She talks to me and tells me the game plan .... and so I push with each contraction. The next 13 minutes flew by .... I don't remember much .. just lots of breathing and pushing .. haha.
11:28 am: Chandler was born ... he had a nuchal cord (umbilical cord around his neck) x3 ... yes, it was wrapped 3 times. The dr noted that it was an insanely LONG umbilical cord .... and that had it been any shorter, there would have been complications. BUT there weren't any and he was absolutely perfect. I didn't get to hold him for a while, mainly because of the repairs ... and can I just say 'OUCH!' ?! haha.

I spent the next few hours just chilling out in my room and soaking in the reality that we just had a baby. I couldn't wrap my mind around the little human in my arms was actually the same baby that I was worried about just a day before. I have never ever in my life experienced love at first sight until then .... he was perfect ... and all mine. :) I got moved to a room on the postpartum unit and was finally able to eat. It was the best meal I've ever had. ;) Stephen and I spent the next few hours together with Chandler. It was an amazing experience. :)

We got discharged on Sunday morning. Chandler had some temperature issues so we had to stay overnight again on Saturday for monitoring. He's fine now, but it was extremely frustrating at the time.

I'm sure I left out quite a bit, but the important thing is that he's here and a complete angel! :) Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers over the past 9 months. We really appreciate it. I can't wait to share all of our new experiences and all of the super adorable things that Chandler does. Pics to come later!! :)

Brittany, Stephen, and Chandler!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

39 weeks.

Today marks 39 weeks 3 days ... still no 'great' news from the doctor this week. Even she wishes that there was a way to tell me when he will arrive. However, we are both very healthy and still growing on track. He has definitely dropped & still head down which is just one step closer! :) So we are still just waiting ... and waiting.

I'm officially done at work until my maternity leave is over. I am so relieved. It looks like I'll have at least a few days to get some things done around the house before he arrives. I am also very excited about my time with Stephen! I feel like so much of my time has been spent either sleeping or working these last few months! Today I plan on cleaning up the house and wrapping Christmas presents. I'm hoping to get our office in order, too. We'll see how much time I have left though! ;)

I'll keep you updated a little more over the next week. Any thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated! We are SO ready to meet our little man! ;)

-Brittany, Stephen, and CJ

Monday, December 6, 2010

38 weeks!

So, last week's appointment didn't go as we had hoped. Still no progression, but that doesn't mean that he won't be here soon! We are FINALLY in the 2 week countdown! WOOHOO!! :) :) We have another appointment on Thursday so HOPEFULLY we will have more news then. This baby is just a little too comfy in there! ;) I'm still working full-time and it is definitely getting more and more uncomfortable - but, I'm hanging in there. My last day is going to be December 15th -yay!! So if CJ decides to stay put until D-Day ... I'll have a good 5 days off to rest and relax! :) Stephen will be taking 2 weeks off when he arrives so I'm really looking forward to that. I can't believe it is so close! Please keep us in your prayers as we get closer! COME ON, CJ! We're all more than ready to meet you! :)

-Brittany, Stephen, and CJ

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

37 weeks.

We are FINALLY full-term this week! I am so relieved that we finally made it! We have about 3 weeks to go .. although I wouldn't really complain if he decided to come a little bit early! ;)

I have an appointment on Thursday so I hope we get some news then! Everything is ready to go and prepared for his arrival ... I have all of our bags packed and waiting! I am getting more and more nervous as the time approaches. Stephen has been great, though! He is very excited and reassuring about everything! :) I will be taking some 37 week pictures today .. so look for those and an update from our Dr's visit Thursday!

-Brittany, Stephen and Chandler

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Well, I didn't get checked this week .. she starts them when I'm full term! So NEXT week we will see if I'm progressing AND if CJ is getting ready to make his debut. My Dr was so impressed that I don't have a single stretch mark ... I'm sure they're coming now! haha. I've also gained a total of 13.6 lbs this pregnancy! :) I've been very good about watching what I eat! Being a nurse is probably one of the next best workouts you can get! ;) I'm constantly on my feet and walking around. Looks like I'll have a better update for y'all next week! Fingers crossed that he wants to come soon! Mommy's getting WAY tired! ;)

The Final Countdown...

We are now merely WEEKS away from meeting our little CJ! :) I could not be more nervous/anxious/excited about the arrival of our son. I have my 36 week appointment in a few hours. Hopefully we get some news that I'm progressing and getting closer and closer to D-Day (delivery day ;) ...). I know it doesn't mean much, but to hear that SOMETHING is going on makes me feel a little better about being so uncomfortable! I'll update after we know more today!

I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes after failing both my one hour and 3 hour glucose tests ... which in all honesty I feel is a total mistake. My blood sugar numbers have been fine ... even if I'm not following a strict diet. I have NONE of the risk factors that they say you need to be diagnosed ... but we're doing fine. I don't see how I'm going to have a baby that weighs over 9 lbs. haha. We shall see though!

His nursery is absolutely adorable.

I could just spend hours sitting in the glider and soaking it all in ... We are about to have a BABY!!!!! I cannot believe this! If you had told me a year ago that I would be having a baby before Christmas - I wouldn't have believed you! Stephen and I have had the best time getting the room ready and washing his little outfits. We can't wait to meet him and see what he looks like ... what traits he has from me ... what traits he has from Stephen. He is bound to be handsome - I mean, look at his daddy! :)

The dogs are doing well with all of the changes around the house. I'm sure it will change even more once he's here ... but I think they will do fine! :) They love being in his nursery with us ... especially Bailey. I think that they think it's for them! ;) See what I mean?!

I will try to be better about updating ... I've been pretty busy with working and getting the house ready for the baby. I will definitely update on any news that the Dr has for us! :) I have a feeling our next big post will be about his arrival! YAY! :) Stay tuned!

-Brittany, Stephen & CJ!